Auto Body Technician (ABT)

Fourth Period Package (12 Modules) Comments

Date: 11/8/2023 3:46:09 PM
Module: 100403a
Version: Edition 1
Page: 39
Comment: The definition in Table 6 for turning radius is confusing. It could be reworded as "The amount that each wheel must pivot through the steering axis during a turn. The inside wheel will rotate at a slower speed over a shorter distance than the outside wheel as it travels a smaller arc." Also, the Effects box could add a bullet point "When inside wheel is turned at 20 degrees, the outside wheel should be approximately 2-4 degrees less to compensate for the different turning radius of each wheel."
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 11/8/2023 3:39:23 PM
Module: 100403a
Version: Edition 1
Page: 49
Comment: Figure 58 shows adjustment slots for an upper strut mount but incorrectly states "caster". It should state "Upper strut mount movement changes camber." Furthermore, the image is very dark in the printed version, and it could use an arrow indicating the front of the vehicle.
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 11/30/2023 12:55:37 PM
Module: 100404a
Version: Edition 1
Page: 29
Comment: The third last paragraph mentions that side airbag deployment is not designed for roll overs. This is incorrect; they are designed to aid in roll over collisions
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 11/30/2023 12:54:10 PM
Module: 100404a
Version: Edition 1
Page: 26
Comment: The second bullet point mentions "sodium azide". However, this is not commonly used anymore, so it should also mention "ammonium nitrate" Also, the last paragraph on the page mentions compressed argon gas. To the best of my knowledge, this is incorrect and should be nitrogen gas
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 11/30/2023 12:51:58 PM
Module: 100404a
Version: Edition 1
Page: 23
Comment: The third bullet point has a grammatical error "It controls of the air bag..." should read "It controls all of the air bag..."
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 11/30/2023 12:50:09 PM
Module: 100404a
Version: Edition 1
Page: 21
Comment: Figure 22 is stated to be a "mass-type sensor..." which is incorrect and repeated from figure 21. It should be captioned as "Solid state air bag sensor"
Status: Approved for Review

Date: 11/30/2023 12:47:40 PM
Module: 100404a
Version: Edition 1
Page: 2
Comment: Under the first heading: Active restraints, it mentions four types of systems, but there is actually only 4 as seat belts is repeated
Status: Approved for Review

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